An Nasiriyah Taxi Prices Simulator

An-nasiriyah Taxi Fare Simulator

An Nasiriyah Taxi Fare 2025

Here are taxi fare for An Nasiriyah in 2025

  • Base Fee: 2.00 USD
  • Price per KM: 2.00 USD
  • Price per Mile: 1.24 USD
  • Waiting time per Hour: 10.00 USD

Wrong fares? Contact Us to help have them updated.

An Nasiriyah Taxi Rate Simulator and Calculator

Ride Estimated Fare
1km2 USD
2km4 USD
3km6 USD
4km8 USD
5km10 USD
6km12 USD
7km14 USD
8km16 USD
9km18 USD
10km20 USD

An Nasiriyah Taxi Rate Example

By day: if you want to go from to , the ride is 5 km. You’re traveling by day, and you have 1 luggage. You total price will be 10 USD.

An Nasiriyah taxi fare - FAQ

How much is a taxi in An Nasiriyah?
A 1km ride in An Nasiriyah costs about 2.00 USD. Enter your route to get a more accurate price. In general the price is affected by several factors including the route length and the driver’s waiting time.
Does An Nasiriyah have a higher taxi fare rate at night?
Yes, night rates apply, usually starting in the late evening and ending in the early morning, leading to slightly higher fares.
What other ways are there to get around in An Nasiriyah?
if you can’t find a taxi in An Nasiriyah or the price is too high you can always take a bus, rent a scooter, a bicycle or a car. Walking is also a great option if it’s a short distance and the weather suits.
How do I calculate the taxi fare in An Nasiriyah?
Simply enter your starting point and destination. We’ll calculate the estimated price based on An Nasiriyah taxi fares and your specific route.
Are taxi fares in An Nasiriyah higher during holidays and special events?
Yes, fares in An Nasiriyah can be higher due to increased demand during holidays and special events.
Can I book a taxi in advance in An Nasiriyah, and does it affect the fare estimate provided by the taxi fare simulator?
Yes, you can book in advance in An Nasiriyah using one the taxi companies in An Nasiriyah. The fare estimate generally remains the same, but it ensures availability.